Friday, July 13, 2012


Between now and 1 September, I've got to do the analog equivalent of organizing (read: deleting!) 1600 inbox e-mails. If anyone wants to loan me a paper shredder, now's the time to step up.

Because I'm feeling anxious about a number of aspects of this upcoming year (Will I master Turkish? Will I have time for artmaking? Will I...?), I want at least to feel incredibly prepared on the bureaucratic front.

So I'm cleaning my house. And already the wilderness that is my home/work/journal/e-mail/network/sleep/grow environment is trying to reclaim the space I've cleared away. Negotiating the paperwork of a person who chronically ignores her mail is like fighting the Hydra-- I organize (read: destroy) one pile, and it's become two more!

Thankfully, I've been finding some things to save-- thoughtful, philosophical pieces from Andrew (C.W. in another blog), pictures of gingerbread houses from Monica, Christa's thesis, discourses on truth and power from Dustin, links to kittens-in-sinks videos from Matt, and more. I am grateful for these small gems and oddities amidst the tedium.

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