Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tonight's Reflections on American Music... Tomorrow, Motherhood!

Well, Justin Timberlake, on the night of your long-awaited album's release (seven years-- have we grown up so much?!), I'd rather be listening to Bonnie Raitt.

I won't even get into the high expectations that I had for you, except to say that I've been waiting for you to make the magical transformation (that was so easy for a monstrous talent like Leonardo DiCaprio) from pretty-faced legitimately talented twentysomething to a substantive artist. I'm not seeing it.

Of course, "Suit & Tie" was billed as the stinger, and it's not bad-- slick, catchy, and snappy. (Seriously though, if you're one of my gentle readers who doesn't want to watch a 'sexy' video, don't press play below.)

But really, JT? You're "gonna show [me] a few things about love"? Granted that as a certain kind of woman in her twenties I'm one of your main audiences?

I get it's pop music-- but the man's got the talent to step it up and make it more interesting: give us another vision of how people can relate to each other. On a related note, my last beef is Timberlake's persistence in using "girl" and "little baby" to denote his romantic partners. I mean, really, are you thirty-one or what?

Definitely throwing JT out of bed for the incomparable Bonnie Raitt any day.


OK, I'm not going to take it all back. I'll just add: it's not fair that this is such a goooood-sounding album.

Justin Timberlake, you've taught me another thing in the last few days: just because you wrap average (stereotypical, even) ideas in some pretty delightful and incredible music doesn't make the former exceptional. But you know what? I'm far from home, far from my love, and far from my books, so I'll take it.

Also, "Mirrors" might just be something interesting. I'd like to hear what you've got to say, Mr. Espinoza, on that subject.

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